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Monday, May 14, 2012

Comment For Ideas!

Hello Jammers! I was going to email AJ for ideas! So if you would have any ideas for ANY shop just comment  on this post, and I will put EVERY idea on to the email. Just say what the item is, then put the store beside it. Here is an example:
Giant Wig- Clothing Shop

Or if you would like to have any ACTUAL IDEAS here is an example.
Jungle Land
And if you want you can put on your username.
Jungle Land-LaughingPancake234
Don't worry I will give you credit :)

Thanks for reading Jammers! I hope you have an idea!

1 comment:

  1. I have two ideas:
    Mira's Skylands- a land above Jamaa Township where many secrets of Mira are hidden.
    Eagles- new animals to go with Mira's Skylands!
    My user is Mythicwing49! Please give my ideas to AJ!
