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Monday, December 24, 2012

Two new music videos =)

If you want to subscribe to my channel, it is called TheLaughingPancake :) So anyway, here are the two videos, and Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also both of these videos are for Ponypals4ever's AJMV Contest! So here they are:

~LaughingPancake234 <3

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sorry T^T

Sorry guys I actually haven't even posted in a month... I'm really sorry. Eh o-o Well guess what. This isn't very good news. ;-; So I was making a video for teh song "Skyfall." But the Dave Days and Allstar Weekend version. Go check it out. Here is the link to the video: http://youtu.be/vONgiyTXUyU

Anyway, so I kinda failed at the video. It is in the documents, so I might be able to fix it. Well, I didn't mess up on the video, that was perfect. The thing that was hard for me was the MUSIC. So yeah. I was using a new thingy called iMesh, that lets you download any song (that is basically on iTunes) and you can download it on to your music documents. Well I was thinking in my head, "Omg, this video will be perfect." But, well, not everything is perfect, especially the music .-. So then stupid Windows Movie Maker (jk) doesn't like me at times, and I guess it didn't like me now. I made almost the WHOLE song for it, but it was a waste of time... >:c My legs were sore, my feet were sore, and I couldn't wait to finish it. Turns out the song was only like 16 seconds, and my intro was 22.50 seconds >:U Hold on a few seconds, excuse me.


I'm done.

Oh well. I guess I'll try to look if I can find the full verson -.o If I don't next weekend I will try to make a Christmas song. I am thinking "Deck The Halls."


Random Silence.
