' src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js">');document.write('')}

Monday, July 23, 2012


Animal Jam is OFFLINE. You might of heard me saying the Jamaaliday Party was on. Well now it is probably OFF :C Because they are probably fixing it... Oh well I'm sad I was looking forward to that party :CCCCCCCCCCCC


Hello Jammers! Today it is Rare Item Monday! Also, for some reason the Jamaaliday Party went on this morning... Weird, huh? It is like when The April Fools Party did it too. Anyway, from today in the evening, We will be gone. To a fun place :P With chocolate... You might know where that is... So in the afternoon to Wednesday we will not be posting. But we might bring our laptop in the hotel so we MIGHT post. But we will more be playing AJ. I can NOT work on the mv because first, I am doing it on Piezilla and My computer. And 2nd that computer has a really good editing program. And we are not allowed to download things on our Mom's laptop. Ok, here is the song: Good Time By Owl City And Carly Rae Jepsen.

Happy Jamming!

~LaughingPancake234 I am a boy because Owl City is a boy -.-

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Music Video

Hi Jammers! Yesterday was my last day of my camp :( Ok. So I have been working on an ajmv. But this one was hard to I quit on it :( But I am working on another! So... please follow my blog and plz subscribe to my utoob channel, TheLaughingPancake, and so... yeah! Thanks 4 reading!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Weird Glitch :\

So, I found out this REALLY weird glitch! So go to your buddy list, and pick out a person that is a member. Okay. Now, click on ALL of their animals, then click X. When you click the username once again, it will look like this: 

Mhm? Was I right, or was I right? 
                                              Jam on Jammers!

Lots of lates

Hey jammerz! We are very late with like everything.You all know about the update and what not.Today is also rare monday.The Rare Rhino helmet.Pretty cool my opinion.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Freedom Bands!

Hello! Today, you might know, that it is RIM! (Rare Item Monday). So today is Freedom Bands! Here is the Freedom Bands: 

Yeah. Cool, huh? Well, I've seen them before... ^.^

Silence. ^-^

NYAN CAT                   =======[  ,  , *-* ]


This ya know why? I sent my storage account my WORN! DX

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Monthly gift and Banner

Hey jammerz! Today there is the Monthly gift.Nature Archways,they are really cool I got lava.There are vines,lava,flowers,and ice.There is also a new council day banner.It is very big.Here it is in my den.Very big 0.0